11-13 APRIL, 2026  HALL #1 - Yashobhoomi (India International Convention & Expo Centre), Sector 25, Dwarka, New Delhi

Application for participation :

Exhibitors should apply in prescribed application form indicating their space requirements and additional facilities etc. required along with the full payment. The application form no.1 shall be submitted to the organisers. The submission of the form shall deem to be firm participation and acceptance by the Exhibitors of the rules and regulations. The organiser shall reserve the right to accept or refuse any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

1.2  Allocation of space :

Since the space is limited, it will be allotted on ‘first come first served basis’ against full payment.

Choice of space shall be subject to its availability. If the particular space has already been allotted, alternative space of the same size  or the nearest alternative space may be allotted to the applicant if available and the same shall be binding upon the Exhibitors.  Exhibitors shall pay difference on allotment, if any.

In the event of any last minute cancellation, the Exhibitor concerned shall not be eligible to transfer it to another Exhibitor, only the organisers shall reserve the right to allot it to others.

The Organisers shall allot the space in accordance with the nature of exhibits or in any manner they may deem fit. The Organizers shall reserve the right to change  the space allotted to the Exhibitor at any time prior to the commencement of  the erection of the stall of the  Exhibitor under exceptional circumstances  and, to alter the space or to transfer or close entrances and exits to the exhibition facilities and to undertake other structural alterations as they may deem fit. Such changes shall be  at  the discretion of the organizers and the Exhibitors shall have no claim for compensation as a  result of such changes. The enclosed layout is subject to final approval of NESCO and concerned authorities.

If the date or venue of the Exhibition has to be changed for any reason, the exhibitor’s application will be considered valid for the new dates and venue unless it is withdrawn by Exhibitors within two weeks after our notification of the change.

1.3 Terms of payment :

50% payment towards the stall rental must accompany the stall booking request. The balance payment should be paid atleast 45 days before the event or not later than the due date as and when  informed by email/letter by the organisers. If payment is received after the due date, the exhibitor will have to pay late payment charges @ 18% per annum.  All payments must be made by crossed cheque/bank draft/RTGS/NEST/IMPS in favour of “RSD EXPOSITIONS” payable at “DELHI”. Payments once made, are not refundable. In the event of the exhibitor’s cheque getting dishonoured, a levy of Rs 500/- shall be paid along with fresh Demand Draft. Failure to make the payment of the rental in advance, 45 days prior to the exhibition will cause the refusal of the allotment of the stall.

1.4 Liability and Insurance

The organizers shall not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to any exhibit  by fire or injury of any nature to any person or article at any time. Exhibitors are advised to insure their exhibits against theft, loss or damage and to cover  themselves against third party liability for visitors to their stands. Reputable guards will be on duty day and night, but will not be a guarantee against loss.

 Exhibitors are responsible for taking out public liability insurance against injury to persons and property of others on their stand, along with their exhibits and merchandise moving to and from the show and during the show. Each exhibitor should have a valid and adequate insurance cover against  public liability. Exhibitors should contact their insurance broker to cover their exhibits  and exhibit  materials.The Organizers will not be held responsible for any loss of or damage to, exhibits and personal items.

Exhibitors are reminded of their responsibility for their representatives, which also includes their contractors and sub-contractors. Also, an exhibitor is responsible for effecting insurance cover for expenses incurred due to abandon mentor postponement of the exhibition for any reasons whatsoever.

The insurance policies mentioned above will have to include the insurer’s renunciation of any legal action/penalty arising in the event of damages or accidents against the executives,  representatives, directors and employees of the following organizations:

  • Organizers
  • Event Managers
  • Municipality or Local Administration of the host city
  • Architects and Contractors, including their staff employed by the Organizers

The period of liability of the exhibitor shall be deemed to run from the time the exhibitor or any of his employees, agents or contractors first enters the exhibition site and will continue until all his exhibits and property have been removed. The exhibitor shall ensure, indemnify and hold the organizers and the event manager harmless in respect of all costs, claims,demands and expenses to which the organizers may in any way be subject as a result of any loss or injury arising to any person (including members of the delegations, visitors, public, the organizer’s staff, agents or contractors) howsoever caused as a result of any act or default of the exhibitors, his employees, agents, contractors or invitees. If the organizers find it necessary, the exhibitor shall provide proof that he has an adequate insurance cover. The organizers shall not in any event be held responsible for any restriction or condition which prevents the construction, erection, completion, alteration or dismantling of stands or for the failure of any service amenities  provided by the organizers, for the cancellation or part time opening of  the exhibition either as a whole or in part, or for amendments or alterations to all or any of the rules and regulations caused by circumstances not under their control.

The organizers are not liable to the exhibitors or their agents or employees in respect of any direct or indirect damage, loss or injury, to persons or property  arising out of or in any way, connected with the exhibition. The organizers shall not be liable  for loss, damage, delay or cancellation as a result of any unforeseen reason or resulting from acts of war, civil commotion, strikes, economic blockade, terrorist attacks, military activity or any other circumstances which shall  render it impossible or inadvisable for the organizers to hold the exhibition at the  time and place provided.  The organizers reserve the right to reschedule the exhibition at a later date. Exhibitors have to acknowledge that the organizers will have sustained damages and losses as a result of the foregoing as well and do hereby waive all claims for damages orcompensation. The sums paid to the organizers as fees or otherwise in  connection with the exhibition shall remain the property of the organizers. In the case an exhibitor withdraws from the exhibition after confirmation of participation by the organizers, all payment made shall be forfeited. Notice of withdrawal must be made in writing to the organizer who shall arrange for reallocation of such space which does not necessarily entitle the exhibitor the right to claim for refund or any payments made, or release from  any sums of which he  has already committed or become liable to. The organizers bear no  responsibility for any errors or omissions in the exhibition directory,  which is compiled from the information supplied by the exhibitors and/ or their agents. The organizers are not responsible for any loss, damage, or delay incurred in freight  shipments (transport, handling and clearing) into and out of India. Exhibitors are urged to adequately insure all shipments.

1.5 Security

All exhibitors shall abide by the security regulations as stipulated below:

 Alert and efficient security forces will be engaged by the organizers to ensure the safety of exhibits. Nevertheless, arrangement may be made by the exhibitors  for own insurance to cover all stages of the event and be particularly careful to pack light, portable models and other attractive exhibits immediately after the exhibition closes. It is at this time that there is the risk of exhibits getting lost. The organizers will not accept responsibility for theft, loss or damage of exhibits, stores or any other equipment belonging to exhibitors, contractors or visitors. It is strongly recommended that at least one person is present at each booth at 0930 hrs. when the halls open for cleaning. Exhibitors are also informed that rented furniture items will be collected on after the closing of the  exhibition. Therefore, drawers, cupboards etc. should be emptied and contents kept secure after the exhibition closes.

After daily closing of the Exhibition, no person will be allowed to remain inside the Exhibition area.

For security purposes, the organizers reserve the right, without giving any reason,  to refuse admission to anyone to the exhibition area and to expel any person whose behavior, in their opinion, justifies such a measure. Exhibitors/their representatives should be present at their stands at all times during the hours of the exhibition. Exhibitors who require the services of security guards at their stands, are required to give their requirements through email.

1.6  Fire & Safety Precautions

Exhibitors and the staff employed by them within the exhibition stand, are directly responsible for ensuring fire safety measures, including tackling of minor fire incidents. Their responsibilities will include:

  • Study the general layout of exhibition halls and get acquainted with the location of exit doors, exit routes, emergency routes and emergency exits.
  • Not to use any inflammable material for decorating the standard shell stands, offices, restaurants, etc. unless they are treated with fire retarding substances. Not to display/exhibit explosive, chemical, inflammable, dangerous, harmful or noxious substances unless approved by the organizers and venue authority.
  • Keep all inflammable/combustible waste such as empty boxes, containers, wrapping etc. away from the exhibition premises.
  • Ensure that electric wiring of equipment on display, decoration and those used for heating appliances are of adequate capacity, quality and are as per approved specifications. Cable joints, if any, be kept to the bare minimum and properly sealed to prevent sparking/overheating.
  • Drawing more power than what has been demanded should be avoided as this may lead to tripping of main circuit breaker and recovery of penal charges/levies from the defaulting exhibitors.
  • Alteration/interference with main circuit breaker and wirings/electrical fittings is prohibited. The official stand fitting contractor’s electricians should be contacted for any additional connections. In case of any fault in the electrical installation, call for help from complaint cell of the organizers/Service Booth of the official stand fitting contractor.
  • Observe and impose all fire precautions at all times, especially during fabrication/installation of the stalls. Avoid  throwing lighted cigarette butts and match sticks etc in exhibition stands/offices.
  • Smoking in the exhibition halls and all public places during the exhibition period is prohibited. These will be treated as “No Smoking” areas and will be so marked. Separate “Smoking Zone” may be used for this purpose.
  • Ensure that the 2 kg ABC stored pressure type extinguishers if near your stall are not to be removed or the access to the fire extinguisher/fire point blocked, to facilitate easy pick up and use, should any fire incident take place.

1.7 Oral agreements

             Oral agreements are valid only after they have been confirmed in writing.

1.8 Sale of Exhibits by Exhibitors

Direct Sale or discount sale of exhibits is strictly prohibited during the exhibition.

The exhibitors, however, can conduct technical, commercial and sales discussions as well as booking of orders during the exhibition. The Organizer appreciates that in many cases the Exhibitors prefer to sell exhibits instead of carrying them back to their destination. Such sale of exhibits can be effected, if so desired by the Exhibitors. This is subject to the condition that Organizer shall not be responsible for the collection or remission of duty, taxes such as customs and excise duty, sales tax etc. Fulfilment of this obligation would be the responsibility of the Exhibitor.

1.9 Cleanliness and Maintenance

Organizer will provide for daily overall cleaning of the exhibition halls and common  areas after show hours. However, it will be the responsibility of the exhibitors to keep their individual stands tidy. Exhibitors are advised to keep their waste bins on the aisles after show hours, which will be cleared by the official housekeeping agency. Exclusive housekeeping services for individual stands can be provided by  the official housekeeping agency at a cost. Exhibitors may directly contact  the agency for such services. Agencies other than the official housekeeping agency will not be permitted to operate in the Exhibition complex.

1.10 Operation of Devices and their Sound Levels

             Only such devices or exhibits shall be operated in the exhibition premises which do not distract or disturb visitors, exhibitors or others present in the area.

1.11 Sub-contracting

             This license to participate in the exhibition is personal to the exhibitor and is non-transferable. No licensing or sublicensing may be granted by the exhibitor to any other party.

1.12  No Shows

In case an exhibitor does not show up and take over the stall by 1800 hrs. on 20th January 2018 the stall may be re-allocated without refund by the organizers.

1.13 Failure of Services

The Event Organisers shall not be liable for any loss sustained by the exhibitors directly or indirectly attributed to the cancellation, postponement, suspension or reduction of duration or change of venue of the scheduled Exhibition from the period advertised or specified due to:

  • Force Majeure

  • Acts of War, Military Activity, Municipal, Statutory or Civil Authority requisition.

  • Fire, flood, typhoon, excessive inclement of weather, earthquake, riots, terrorists’ violence or a combination of the same.

  • Any Pandemic causing lockdown in the country
  • Damage caused by an aerial object or aircraft.

  • Strikes or lockouts by workers.

If the Exhibition is cancelled, reduced or postponed, then and in such event the unit costs paid to the organizers, or any part thereof may be refunded at the sole discretion of the Organisers to the Exhibitors but without prejudice to the Organizers right to appropriate the entire sum or any part thereof for expenses they have already incurred for the Exhibition.

1.14 Environmental Guidelines

             Everyone involved in the exhibition has a role to play in reducing the amount of material and energy used. Here are some guidelines to make your participation more environmentally-friendly and remember… REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE

1.15 Pre-show

  • Plan what you wish to distribute – don’t print and ship more than you need. Source environmentally-friendly
    promotional handouts or gifts.

  • Plan special design stands/features, etc. in order that these can be prefabricated, then dismantled at the close
    of the show.

1.16 Show period

  • Don’t distribute material in plastic bags and be selective when handing out material.

  • Eliminate PVC banners and signs, use cotton or paper instead.

  • If building a raw space or special design stand, limit the height and construct  based on reusable system materials and hired furniture, minimize specially constructed items (counters, display platforms etc.)

  • Use non-VOC, water based paints and glues or linseed oil paints.

  • Install CFL or LED lighting, using less energy and lasting longer.

  • Use recyclable carpeting, a natural alternative such as cork or recycled rubber matting (or none at all).

  • Keep packing materials and containers to a minimum.

  • For catering, use recyclable materials for crockery and cutlery or use glass, china that can be washed and reused.

  • Use recycling bins for garbage disposal.

1.17 Post-show

  • Dismantle, don’t demolish – disposing off into local landfills is not a viable solution.

  • Reuse packing materials for transportation.

  • Take away unused promotional materials etc. and use later.


Outside food and water are not allowed as per NESCO management.

1.19 Jurisdiction

             All disputes arising out of this Exhibition and Trade Fair shall be subject to the jurisdiction of New Delhi courts.

1.20  Arbitration

Disputes, if any, arising out of unresolved matters between the exhibitor and the organizers shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. The arbitration proceedings will be conducted in English and at New Delhi, India only.
